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East Coast Trade Union Expecting Big Things in Transition to Renewable Energy

Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

An East Coast carpenters trade union is betting big on America's transition to renewable energy. As part of President Biden's infrastructure package, off shore wind projects are looming on the horizon and the carpenters want to be ready.

In a preemptive move, The Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (EASRCC) recently bought a dive school in Sicklerville, New Jersey to train workers in anticipation of an influx of projects and jobs.

“What do they say, ‘Build it and they will come?’ Well, we bought it, so bring them on,” said William Sproule, executive secretary-treasurer of EASRCC, to a group of Union piledrivers, millwrights, and carpenters as they toured the facility. Once the training center is operational, the union will provide members with training in underwater welding and other skills inherent in the construction and maintenance of offshore wind turbines, oil rigs, bridges, dams, nuclear power plants, and shipyards.

“We’re ready to train the workforce for this industry that is going to be a big part of New Jersey’s economy,” Sproule said. “We’re hoping this will create opportunities for all kinds of young adults that may be interested in getting involved.”

The dive complex and adjacent lake constitutes the first union-owned commercial dive school in the nation's history.

Read the full story on Huffpost

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