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Nationwide Rental Landlord Regularly Used Unpermitted Contractors for Shoddy Construction Repairs

Invitation Homes’ Dallas Tanner (Invitation Homes, iStock)

One of the nation's biggest rental landlords, Invitation Homes, has a track record of using contractors lacking proper permits and who deliver poor repair work. Complainants allege subpar maintenance and repairs that have led to a range of problems that has sometimes endangered tenants.

Invitation Homes is a $23 billion company that owns 80,000 residential properties across the country. The Washington Post reports that the company consistently renovates these properties without building permits.

The Post examined three of company's markets: Orlando, Charlotte and Riverside, CA. Data reflected that in each, the company lacked permits for renovations and projects- more so than others. In Charlotte and Riverside, the company was half as likely as other companies to have proper permitting. The Post also reported that at over a dozen homes across several states, the company hired unpermitted contractors for work including roof replacements, air conditioning installation and pool demolition.

The company has been hit with several lawsuits including one alleging unpermitted work in California.

Invitation Homes has said the lawsuit's allegations are “unfounded."

Read full story on The Real Deal

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