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Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh Visits Training Center in Riverside CA

Walsh Touted Biden Infrastructure Plan

Last week, United States Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh visited a Union training Center in Riverside, California. After touring the facility with Congressman Mark Takano and Union Leaders, Walsh gave remarks to approximately 50 carpenters apprentices about the importance of jobs, wages, and benefits, and how President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan can bring good infrastructure jobs to Riverside County and the Inland Empire.

“The Biden administration is committed to apprenticeships and high-quality workforce training,” Walsh said. “Registered apprenticeship programs train Americans and prepare them to work in good-paying careers.”

Walsh was on hand to see a handful of apprentices receive their certificates and partake in the symbolic ringing of the bell signifying their "journeying out." He listened to Logan Loudon, recount the importance of the program, "if I wasn't an apprentice, to be honest, I don't know where I'd be today. it wouldn't be good."

Union members delighted to meet Walsh

Afterward, he and Takano took time to greet members and pose for photos.


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